Linus Witucki, M.Sc.

Linus Witucki, M.Sc.

  • Fritz-Haber-Weg 1, Geb. 30.33, R.212
    76131 Karlsruhe


Applied robotics in the automation industry.

In modern industry and Industry 4.0, robots are increasingly being used to automate the manufacturing process and support workers.

Here lies a great potential for innovative approaches. In particular, approaches for automated visual inspection in dynamic work fields are being investigated. Robots of different types are used individually and in combination.

Furthermore, the digitization of robots in connection with VR will be investigated. With these approaches it is possible to cooperate simulatively with non-collaborative robots.

Title Type Semester Place
Vorlesung (V) WS 22/23


01.01.2023 - today
Research assistant in the professorship NetworkedSafe Automation (VSA) at the Institute for Control Systems (IRS)
with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mike Barth at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

2019 - 2022
HiWi at the IRS
Collaboration in the study of planetary exploration with heterogeneous robot teams on Etna

2019 - 2022
Master studies (M.Sc.)in electrical engineering and information technology at KIT

  • Specialization in control engineering
  • Master thesis IRS on the topic "Investigation of symbiotic human-machine interaction on action level."

2015 - 2019
Bachelor studies (B.Sc.) in electrical engineering and information technology at KIT.


Analyse und Konzeption von Informationsmodellen für Soft Robotics
Witucki, L.; Barth, M.
2024. EKA 2024 - Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, 18. Fachtagung, MAgdeburg, 14th-15th May 2024, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitätsbibliothek. doi:10.25673/116040
Konzeptionelle Erweiterung bestehender Informationsmodelle für PCC Modelle in Soft Robotics
Witucki, L.; Barth, M.
2024, February 21. 58. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium (2024), Boppard, Germany, February 21–23, 2024
A Study on Psychological Flow Measure by Human-Machine Interaction Modeling
Kille, S.; Witucki, L.; Rothfuß, S.; Hohmann, S.
2023. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)