M. Sc. Pol Jané Soneira

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Campus Süd
    Institut für Regelungs- und Steuerungssysteme
    Geb. 11.20 (Engler-Villa)
    Kaiserstr. 12
    D-76131 Karlsruhe

Curriculum Vitae

High school graduation at German School of Barcelona in 2013. Afterwards, bachelor’s program in electrical engineering and information technology at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Bachelor's thesis in 2016 at Institute of Control Systems (IRS) in the field of dynamic modelling of variable frequency wind power plants; ITK student award for the bachelor's degree. Practical work in the virtual development division at Elektronische Fahrwerksysteme Gmbh (Audi Electronics Venture) with emphasis on vehicle dynamics modelling. From 2016, master’s program in electrical engineering and information technology at KIT with specializations in system theory, control engineering and power systems; 2019 master's thesis at IRS about optimal control for port-Hamiltonian systems.

Since September 2019 research and teaching assistant at IRS.



Networked, Optimal Control

For reasons of sustainability and due the climate emergency, an energy transition towards renewable energy is taking place throughout the world. In 2018, 38% of the electrical energy consumed in Germany was generated by renewable energy. According to the German law EEG, renewable energy has to account for 80% of the total electrical energy needs of Germany in 2050. Thus, conventional power plants are being steadily replaced by a huge amount of generators based on renewable energy resources. 

These huge amount of generators form, together with flexible loads and other components, microgrids. The control of such microgrids (frequency and voltage) is already well explored. However, the benefits of an interconnection of various microgirds remains unexplored. Research is aimed at the study of such an interconnection from a system theoretic point of view. Especially, fundamental importance will be given on the information that needs to be shared and the kind of optimality achieved by an interconnection.
